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  • NFlagator - Great for Job seeking NewbiesI purchased this book as a Christmas gift for a young man during his senior year in High School. I waited to provide a review on this book until I could see what affect the book had on him. From my point of view, the young man was rather introverted. He had never had a job other than mowing lawns in the neighborhood and didn't have a clue about the shark infested job market or what career direction he wanted to pursue. I believe his lack of self-confidence and experience in this realm practically paralyzed him. I am happy to say he has now been through several job interviews. Though one job was short lived, he has been employed at the second job he landed for several months and says he is enjoying it. I believe the book gave him the insight needed to lessen his fears and helped him take those first steps into the big world and find a job he was suited for.
  • Monica - Best ProbioticI really like Align and use it every other day with great results! I've read a lot about probiotics and this is one of the only products with science behind them, that has actually publish their data. The pill is a capsule that has an ok size and it is tasteless and easy to swallow vs. some of the other probiotics.