Poasms.co.tz Review:

KCMC | Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center - Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center


Country: North America, US, United States

City: 77092 Houston, Texas

  • Paul A. Hernandez - Best OS so farThis is the best version of Microsoft Windows so far. There is a learning curve because of the new start screen but it's very quick to learn and pick-up how to navigate around the OS. I still do all my normal desktop stuff and the new things with the new start screen. It is extremely fast to boot and everything has been streamlined to be as efficient as possible. There is a clear difference between this version and Windows 7 when it comes to boot time and various OS tasks like copying files. IE 10 is also extremely fast which is great.
  • Jeremy Burt "keyboard cowboy" - This thing is great!This tablet is lightning fast and comes preloaded with a lot of apps. The performance and the ability of the tablet to handle even the most challenging apps was well worth the money spend. I've used a couple of tablets before and if i were you, I'd spend the extra bucks and go with this