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- Kaylynn "EyeCU Reading" - can't wait on the movieI don't pass out 5 stars freely, Terry earned them. This book is very "Waiting to Exhale'esque". A story of a family & the people around them which touches on many things every human being goes through. I laughed, cussed & even cried at the characters (tears aren't something i give freely either) I felt connected to each character & could totally relate to their reactions.
many life circumstances, marriage, divorce, racism, homosexuality, growing learning I could go on & on. I'll just say I loved it, I felt it & could imagine this on the screen.
We follow this family over a course of many adversities, triumphs & tragedy. But it also shows views & choices along with good & bad outcomes.
Eyecu reading approved (even though it wasn't a monthly read) - Ruach - I've finally found my tabletAfter owning four other tablets of different brands, to include the iPad, I have found everything I need a tablet to do in the Kindle Fire. I like the feel of the device in my hand, its resolution and especially the elegance of it's simplicity. I have had no reliability issues, it performs well. I would recommend the Kindle Fire for anyone who already has the smartphone, the laptop, the desktop PC and other wi-fi capable device, and desires an in-between device that is powerful yet simple in design and format, at a price that can't be beat.
- W. Davis "boo boo" - There's only one way to start the dayIn my house, my father always insisted we start each day with the pledge of allegiance. Everyone say it with me...
I pledge allegiance to the label on Tuscan Whole Milk,
And to the jug on which it sticks,
One gallon, UNDER GOD, in the refrigerator,
with Vitamin D and Calcium for all. - Denise B - Wise and Powerful!I loved this novel. Mrs. Turner brought me into a world that existed before I was born. The prejudicial attitudes toward people who were different, in any way, was so gritty I could taste the dirt. Yet my heart soared as Frosty pulled herself out of the mire and, in spite of her parents, proved that you can break the chains of environment and become something better; and by so doing, make the world a better place, even if that world is only within you.
My hat is off to Nancy Turner for a wise and thought-provoking novel. This story has haunted my thoughts for days.