Osta-persantine-online.5x.pl Review:
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Country: Europe, DE, Germany
- Amy Hannon - The extraordinariness of ordinary lifeLife story of an Irish Catholic family in depression era Brooklyn and beyond told from the perspective of, Marie, the daughter of the family. The narrative is told in sections that defy time sequence so that there is a flavor of dream in the telling, dream mixed with memory. Characters from the dutiful seminarian brother, Gabe, through the alcoholic father, self-seeking suitor, the parish priest, and other characters who populate the neighborhood, come alive through the detail of McDermott's description and their loving portrayal even in abandonment and defeat, as well as death. Death and the neighborhood also become characters of a sort as Marie works for a while in a funeral home as a greeter and feminine presence. Haunting, compassionate story especially for those whose life story crosses paths with the time or place, but a universal tale for any community rooted in place as well.
- Thomas - I like the 4 packWhat drew me to the product ( Rogaine ), was the four pack, vice 3 pack. The local drug stores in my area carry only the 3 pack, and more recently have stopped selling that!!
I have used the product for several years, and it is working for me!
I'll buy the 4 pack again from Amazon!! - Caroline - what is F*** is wrong with some people?I cannot believe what I just read! I mean I looooved this book so much that I have read it 6 times, the wholes series, and I was wondering what some of the reviews would say and I could only find bad reviews at first but THEY ARE SOOOOO WRONG! THIS BOOK IS GOLD! I NEVER WRITE REVIEWS! NEVER! i HAVE READ MORE THAN 160 ROMANCE BOOKS IN THE LAST 6 MONTHS AND I CANNOT STOP TELLING YOU HOW MUCH I LOVED THIS BOOK, I EVEN CERIED WHEN THEIR STORY ENDED! I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM! I MEAN WE ALL KNOW WE PROBABLY NEVER WILL FIND A CHRISTIAN GREY IN REAL LIFE BUT IT IS NICE TO FANTASICE. i LOVED THE CHARACTERS, THE SETTINGS, THE SEX SCENES EVEYRHING! THIS IS A MUST READ!
- Spinny - Helped me lose that stubborn 10 pounds!I am 56 years old, and post menopausal. I'm not obese but always have about 10 pounds that I don't like having on my body. I roughly followed the book, and I've lost 12 pounds in 6 weeks, with little to no real effort (unlike other "diets" where I have intense cravings). I just was on vacation where I gained a couple of pounds back, but quckly lost them within 3 days by getting back on the right food. I also sleep better and have a much higher energy level on a regular basis.