
Offshore Pharmacy - Offshore Pharmacy sells high quality generic drugs to most countries in the world.

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 60654 Chicago, Illinois

  • Karie - Works for Dry skin too!!!My skin is so dry that regular liquid foundation peels off my face in large flakes. So I stopped wearing foundation until I found bare minerals. It covers very nice and it feels like I am not wearing any make-up at all. For dry skin I would recommend using the prime-time primer or skin rever upper 5 to 10 minutes before putting on the powder. It adds just the right amount of moisture. And for blemishes I love the rare minerals blemish therapy. It is tinted and cleared up my blemishes in only a few days.

    I used to get mad because there were parabens in this product but the last set I bought no longer had them so that is a +.
  • vera turner - A Life changing Diet!My sister & I took the 28 day challenge and it was the best decision ever. In just 4 weeks my sister lost 18 pounds and in 7 weeks her cholestrol levels went from 305 to 177 and tryglcerides went from 306 to 166. Her doctor couldn't believe it and is now reccomending it to his other overweight patients. Others on the program are posting similiar results. You will never be hungry---ever!!! You eat healthy and you eat alot!!
    Go to her facebook site and read the comments and know for yourself. You will never regret it. There are some here giving bad reviews of the book who haven't tried it and are writing the reviews based on calories.. we don't count calories and if they believe that we are losing because we aren't getting enough food then they haven't tried the program..
    Buy the book, you will have no regrets and you will never want to eat any other way for life. It is a substainable lifestyle for your entire family.
    Vera Turner
  • Mike N. - GOT TWO DEFECTIVE DISCS !!!!!I've gotten this 2 yrs in a row off of amazon. can't beat their price anywhere. this was the 3rd year in a row i got it. first disc was defective . did NOTHING !!!! nothing popped up on the screen like the 2 previous years. i was annoyed and sent it back. Amazon sent me another one. put in the disc and again ...... NOTHING !!!!! i still had 4 days of norton on my computer , so i was able to go into my old norton ..... clicked on "support" in the upper right corner. then clicked on " enter product key" . i then entered the product key on the new box and .....VOILA .......... my subscription renewed ....... so, basically you don't even need the disk , just the product code off the new box........ i gave it a 5 because NORTON 360 itself is a great product ........ as far as my experience trying to get 2 defective discs to work, having to return the first bad disc just to get another bad disc, and then having to figure out how to bypass the disc and install it myself........ I GIVE AMAZON A BIG FAT ZERO !!!!!! SELL DISCS THAT WORK PROPERLY !!!!!!!!
  • William D. Curnutt "Pastor Dan" - What a great education into the difficult life of a Christian who is "gay'Wesley Hill gives us a gift in his writing. He points out his struggle from early on in his life with the fact that he was attracted to men rather than to women in regards to physical attraction. He has battled his whole life with this same sex attraction and with the stigma that the Christian Church has pushed him into because of his leanings.

    He does a great job of pointing out scripture and how it deals with homosexuality. He also does a great job of telling you why he struggles with scripture and what it points out, because of the deep longings in his personal life.

    Wesley claims that he is a celebate homosexual. He points out how that is the only thing he believes he can be. Because Scritpure gives him clear direction that same sex erotic acts are not something that God desires for His creation.

    I believe that Wesley is the best author I have read yet to tell me about his personal struggle, the harshness of that struggle and yet his desire to honor his Lord and Savior and that he only believes he can do that by being celebate.

    Please read with a very open mind and understand that this brother in Christ desires for us to understand how difficult life for he and others like him is, but his desire is to serve and honor and bring glory to God, not an easy thing to do given his leanings.

    I appreciated his honest words and was grateful to understand his perspective. It gave me much to think about.
  • james schatz - eye openingA fantastic look into the world and culture into which Jesus was born( In Nazareth it turns out!).Gave me a whole different view of what his life was actually like, what his sense of mission was, and how his legend was carefully created in the decades after his death. A must for anyone who has any interest in Jesus beyond the church approved version. And not written from a nonbeliever viewpoint.