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Country: North America, CA, Canada

City: Montreal, Quebec

  • Juan C. Arias - Excellent BookThis is the most complete and advanced reference book for anyone who is in the process of learning Revit. As an expert Revit user with over six years of experience, I can say with confidence that this book covers everything from the basic tools to the most advanced and complex topics. It is easy to see that the authors have a deep, practical knowledge in the use of the software. The book is organized in a very logical, coherent way. Chapters one through four cover the general concepts behind BIM, the basic Revit tools, and workflow best practices. The book also includes a chapter on advanced modeling with very interesting exercises. As a project designer, I really appreciate Chapter 12: a complete chapter devoted to visualization. This book is about the proper use of the software, and it can really help you whether you are starting to learn Revit or you are a seasoned user. The return on investment for this well-written book can be measured by your increased ability to design and produce quality architecture.

    Thank you to James, Phil, and Eddy for a job well done.
  • k. Jackson65 - Cleared acne in 10 daysI had always wanted to give Proactive a try. There seems to be a lot of hype surrounding this product so I figured I'd give it a shot. I had a problem with acne on and off for years. I thought it would be a thing of the past when I became an adult but I guess not. I read reviews of several people who saw outstanding results when they combined the Proactiv system with an acne pill called Clearzine. So I decided to do the same. I did not expect this stuff to work so well in a month's time, much less the 10 days it took to completely wipe out my acne. I am so impressed with this combo and my face hasn't looked this clear in years. If you want your skin clear fast, these two seem to be a winning combination. I would highly recommend them. It's been two months since and I haven't had another breakout.