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  • Suzy Creamcheese - It could happen to youWhen I was 17 I was attacked by a huge ship. Sure, it seemed charming and took me out to fancy dinners and bought me nice things, but soon that all changed. After several dates I could see in the ship's stern that she was after something more. One night she was bringing me home and just dropped anchor about 20 miles away from my parent's dock. I could tell something was amiss by the way her bow twinkled. I nervously tried to laugh it off but soon she was all over me. I begged the huge ship to stop, but she ripped my clothes off and told me to shut up. Despite my cries for help and attempts at escape, the huge ship had me pinned, and proceeded to have her way with me. When it was over she turned cold and lit a huge cigarette and told me to swim home. I will never forget the way my salty tears mingled with the salt of the sea that night. From then on I swore I would devote my life to avoiding huge ships. I tell my young daughter every day before she leaves for school to avoid huge ships, and was pleased when I found this book so I could give it to her as a cautionary tale. She rolls her eyes when I say it, but I always remind her to steer clear of huge ships, even boats! You don't want to end up with some son-of-a-ship that does to you what was done to me. Thank you, Captain. Thank you.
  • Jennifer D Thomas - Refreshing ;)So a friend recommended this product to me. It was not available in my local drug store, but no need to worry because Amazon has everything.

    I have never used a intimate "refresh" product like this before. The gel applicators were easy to use and the instructions were clear. Each applicator came individually wrapped.

    After using the product, I did feel refreshed and clean. I am happy with the outcome. I would order it again.
  • Tax Accountant "Tax Accountant" - This is the best spot-treatment I've ever usedThis is a very good spot-treatment for pimples that are just starting or are already at the skin's surface. I usually use the repairing lotion at night, but there's always one or two pimples that seem to sneak through.

    This spot treatment will usually dry them up in two days. I've had very good lick with this product. It's not as drying as some of the other products on the market, and it doesn't irritate surrounding skin like the acne gels.

    I have dry skin but I still get occasional breakouts around my mouth and nose, so this is a good product even for someone with dry and sensitive skin. It's not suitable for your entire face, though, so you should use the Proactiv repairing lotion for all-over face.
