
Drug Tests, DNA Tests and Background Screenings - Health Street - Health Street offers professional drug test, DNA tests, and background check services to individuals and companies throughout the USA.

Country: North America, US, United States

City: Columbus, Ohio

  • J. Hogle "webstertiums" - Valuable Asset for our FarmI have used multiple versions of Quickbooks for Mac as well as other brands of accounting software for our farm and food manufacturing business. I am very satisfied with Quickbooks, and I feel that Quickbooks 2011 for Mac has been a valuable investment for our small business.

    In the 2011 version of QB, Intuit maintains a familiar interface [I find it really annoying when software upgrades change so much that I have to learn an entirely new interface and layout], while adding useful features that saves me both time and money. The software offers quick access to customer profiles and invoicing, vendor accounts and payments, and a wide range of financial histories and reports. It even tracks employee time and mileage on our company vehicles. The reports have been very useful for completing our taxes and reports for our bank and insurance policies. Just as important, the reports allow us to analyze sales so that we can adjust production and improve profits.

    The server version of the software allows two or three Macs to edit the same account or accounts over a network, which is great when I am in my home and want to work on the file that resides on the computer at our greenhouse.

    A note to owners of older Macs, Quickbooks 2011 does require an Intel Mac and OS 10.6, and the server version requires that you have an existing network between the computers you will be using it on.
  • Paul R. Wisgerhof - Tablet to HDMIFor all of you who are upset that LG does not yet support Amazon apps, you can always just connect a tablet to an HDMI port on your TV and go from there. You will be able to access all of your stuff on Prime and show it on the TV. I do it all the time with an older Samsung product and it works just fine. I am using an Android tablet at the moment.
  • LavenderGirl - Amazing effective probioticI was given a sample of this product by my gastro in response to an over two month ordeal with what was tagged as a "post-infectious IBS".
    I tried it with a lot of skepticism as prior to receiving the sample I tried a number of probiotic products - pills, fortified yoghurt etc. and none seem to have been making noticeable difference.
    Align started working almost immediately - on day two and three the most bothersome symptoms - pain, urgency, bloating were significantly diminished, the intestinal noises subsided. I'm now into the third week of using it and I'm feeling almost back to normal - the improvement is noticeable and consistent. I just ordered a full bottle to continue the treatment.
    One downside is that it seems to be creating some bloating but I found a way around it and take it at night.
    I can now eat normal foods after being on a yoghurt and banana diet for weeks and I feel like I got my life back.
    Love it and recommend it to anyone with digestive problems.