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  • laurennn - Perfect for enhancing my 3 wolf t-shirtI recently purchased a 3-wolf moon tshirt from Amazon, and my expectations were exceeded. All the things other reviewers said were true - it's a truly mystical shirt. However, despite all the wonderful things that were happening in my life because of wearing the shirt, I couldn't stop thinking about how much better it would be if the wolves glowed in the dark. This thought haunted me for weeks - I missed work, I lost sleep, and when I did sleep I only had nightmares about the non-glowing wolves I had been donning for so long. I had tried before to add my own glow - I bought glow in the dark glue and applied it, but it came off in the wash. I carefully pinned glowsticks around the perimeters of the wolves, but they stopped glowing after only one day! I even tried buying those glow in the dark stars for your ceiling and extracting the glow, but it turns out you can't do that. Then I stumbled upon the perfect solution - uranium ore! I simply rubbed some on each wolf, and they haven't stopped glowing for three weeks. Another plus of this particular method of making the wolves glow is that the skin under the wolves always feels nice and warm - I don't even need a coat in the winter. Uranium ore is great for this purpose, or for anything else you need to make glow, including children and pets (they're so easy to find now!). I highly recommend this product.
  • Tori - Radclyffe does it again.Having read a few of her novels I knew what to expect in that I'd be an interesting medical drama with a developing romance, and yet she always makes each story just as enjoyable. Also it's nice to read of familiar characters from previous novels. So if you enjoy medicine and romance this book is for you.
  • Lee Ann,music lover "music lover" - Bless you, Father TimAs a "cradle Episcopalian", I was thrilled to discover the Mitford series when it first came out. My mother is anxiously awaiting the publication of "A common life" this spring,as are many of the ladies(and gentlemen) In our parish. We have decided that Father Tim is a composite of several priests that we have had over the years. It isnt hard to get a discussion group going when word gets out that another Mitford book is due. Several people I work with recommended the original book to me(Not Episcopalians,by the way), and we are all waiting for April! Jan Karon has captured the essence of 20th century old fashioned Episcopalianism in the finest detail, including the priest who marries later in life,and discovers that he can never quite retire! Kudos and blessings to the author and to all the books in this wonderful,inspiring series!
  • Purpleroses - She is a heroThis book has had me thinking about Elizabeth's challenges, her courage and her will to survive long after I closed the book. She is my new hero. I appreciate her candor and while the descriptions of her ordeal are horrible, they are not graphic. I do believe in miracles and faith and I think what I will remember is her faith and recognition of God's hand strengthening her as she suffered because of the twisted choices of these two captors. I would recommend it for a mature audience.
  • Mark D. Schnittman "mschnit" - Solid AV + malware scanner, low resource usageI stopped using Symantec's AV scanners about 10 years ago -- they became known more for their insane resource usage and borg-like control of your system than anything else. Since then, I've used Kaspersky, BitDefender, and ESET. They all were good in some respects, but none were great across the board (Kaspersky became bloatware, BitDefender caused system instability, and ESET had a terrible interface, bugs, and terrible tech support). After getting fed-up with the current version of ESET NOD32 (weirdness when running v5 of the engine on XP machines), I started doing some research. After a week of looking around, it seemed that Norton Internet Security 2012 was the best all-around package. I was hesitant to go for it, after my prior experience years back, so I downloaded a trial and used it for a week on my main box. I have to say, this must have been the product of a complete code rewrite -- it is fast, with low resource impact, the UI is clean with good control over most aspects of program behavior, and is very unobtrusive -- which most of the competitors are not. As far as I'm concerned, any security product that is well designed should be invisible except when it catches something. In all respects, I agree with the positive reviews of NIS 2012, and have purchased a 3 PC license for the home. I have it running on 2 XP machines and a Windows 7 64-bit laptop. I got a killer price on Amazon -- half off on the direct download. All in all, a great deal, and an impressive product. I will update as time goes on if there is anything significant to make note of.

    ** update 3/23/2012 **
    Upon completing a weekly full system scan on my 3 PCs, there were numerous items that ESET and BitDefender didn't catch. A positive sign...