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  • Todd Stone - Great Little Machine!After buying multiple blenders from various stores and spending over $100 on one from Macy's that only disappointed after ever use we decided to look for something different. We looked at the VitaMix but didn't like the $400 price tag. I mean come on all it does is blend! After reading numerous reviews and watching YouTube videos we decided to buy the Nurti Bullet and were so glad we did. It's small compact size is great because you can leave it on the counter without having to put it away after every use. In addition the cups are easy to clean and wash out. Also the blade portion is easy to clean as well which makes cleanup a cinch! You can put pretty much anything in here and it pulverizes it into liquid. I have used large apple chunks, almonds and other various nuts, veggies and fruits and it's not gritty at all! The thing I like the best is you don't have cut away most of the fruit before putting it in there. For example when I use an apple I put the whole thing in cut up minus the stem and bottom piece and you would never know you at the seeds! If you don't want to spend a fortune this is for you!
  • karoe - A must get resourceThis book if a must get when dealing with resistance and with people who have multiple drug allergies. I would recomment it.
  • mary meehan - Best ASVAB bookThis book was very good. It helped me alot. First part introduces you to the ASVAB then it tests your knowledge by giving you a full length practice test. After this you check your answers and it gives you explanations of each one. At that times its best to go back and redo each one you got wrong and figure out how to get the right answer.

    Right after that you get the hang out the test and the questions you will be facing. Then as you go on it gives you alot more helpful details used to scoring real high on the test. absolutely has a good system and definitely the ASVAB book you wanna get.
  • Ms Winston - Excellent Tool for Life EventsA few years ago I paid an attorney almost $400.00 to draft my will. Recently, I decided I wanted to make some minor changes and discovered that it would cost me at least $150.00 in fees to do so. WillMaker Plus was the answer! The software was easy to load, I found the instructions to be very easy, and the 2013 version had the updated information for my state. In addition,I could take my time to do medical directives, instead of feeling pressured to make quick decisions prior to surgery, which happened to me earlier this year. There is also access to setting up a living trust, which normally entails an additional cost. I find this entire process to be easy and painless. If you have a pretty straight-forward will, the obvious cost savings in purchasing Willmaker Plus over seeing an attorney will soon become obvious -- I highly recommend the package.