6minutes.com.au Review:

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Country: North America, US, United States

City: 94107 San Francisco, California

  • AColton - Finally! The Holy Grail of Acne ProductsI have been using this Regimen for 2 months now. I love it. My face did dry out a little at first but I cut back (as Dan suggests) and I was fine. This stuff is amazing. I have tried every product under the sun (feels that way anyway..). This works way better than Proactiv, SkinID, Neutrogena, etc.

    I think that when I purchase this again, I will get a big bottle of the treatment and the tube of AHA. That stuff rocks as a spot treatment! I was not blown away by the moisturizer and so I may incorporate something different there. The cleanser works well so I will most likely get that again unless I find something better.

    I would recommend this for anyone that is having trouble with acne but you have to follow the Regimen. If you are serious about getting clear skin, that shouldn't be too much work. ;o)
  • Victoria J. Faust "Civility Reviews" - Yes, it has a slight (medicine-ey?) If that's a word Smell....But WonderfulI love this stuff, that and Purity Made Simple. That smells a little like Medicine also, but I think that the line was first made for people with skin problems and eventually made it to regular old ladies (55 soon) But it is great for all ages. I am just one of those people that was blessed with skin that took awhile to show wrinkles. I started with the line 4 years ago and have been very happy with 95% of the products. Some things just don't work for everyone.
  • Ronald C. Hill - Great little mobile appThis app works the best when one keeps up to date on ones Quicken on ones' home computer and updates the cloud regularly. It is great for managing expenses on the go, but does require passing through screens to get to where you can put n transactions. Depending on the number of accounts that you have, it may seem slow to update, but I have founc that it works well for me
  • Scarletaka "Stacey" - RANGER enough said!Volume 5 of the life of Stephanie Plum bomb shell bounty hunter is ready for devouring.
    Stephanie is looking for Uncle Fred aka the cheapest man on earth and the guy most people could careless about being lost. She reluctantly agrees to search for Uncle Fred and in doing so uncovers his true cheap nature as she battles the garbage company he was going to talk to regarding his $2.00. Yes, you read that right Uncle Fred is missing and it's because of $2.00. Okay, not just $2.00, but $2.00 and a bag of garbage. However, Uncle Fred won't pay the bills and the skips have all but dried up. Except for Randy Briggs he's not worth much, but he becomes lots of trouble real fast. So Stephanie breaks down and asks Ranger for help finding work to get her by this rough patch. What she proves is that she might not be very good at Bounty Hunting, but she's worse at working for Ranger. She gets blown up, flashed, car stolen and it's all working for Ranger.
    This book is hilarious. Heavy flirting between Ranger and Stephanie is hot enough to burn the pages, but to Stephs horror things keep going wrong.This is another winner for Janet's Stephanie Plum series.
    I keep coming back to these books over and over because they are so much fun.
    Pick up a few and plan to sit it out you won't want to put them down. These are the books that will keep you up until your finish them.